The election resulted in no change. The House, Senate, and Executive branch remain the same. There were a few small changes that had more to do with weak candidates than policy. America often seeks divided government in its elections. Exit polling showed 53% of voters believed government is "doing too much".
Some are saying "Now the republicans are forced to compromise" while others are saying "Now the President needs to compromise". Harry Reid is looking to end the filibuster so that he does not need to compromise.
If a majority of Americans think we are doing too much, maybe the right answer is to do less. Rather than boil the ocean with 1000's of fix it programs, now is a good time for the President, House, and Senate to sit down on a weekly basis focused on 2-3 key things - fix tax code, curtail waste, drive growth. We will still have side debates from oversight (that is congresses role), but make them side debates.
The leaders that say "we are not going to address x, y, and z" will garner the electorate's respect. By focusing on a few key objectives, the rest of us can focus on our own lives and stop worrying about what Washington will do next. Its two years until the next election, I am sure compromise on a few things will not fundamentally unseat any of the current political leaders.