The President is clearly unwilling to negotiate on any budget issues. The Republicans have the stage but are incoherent. The media is totally focused on blaming the Republicans for the sky falling. ACA/Obama Care are a complete and total disaster.
Its time to change plans around…..
- Pass a Clean CR
- Lift the Debt Limit for 4 months and refuse to raise it any more
- Launch committee hearings on Obama Care etc. –
- How could we spend so much on the exchange and get such a failure
- Why are their so many waivers
- How does the President have the right to modify the law
- Keep pushing on NSA, Benghazi, IRS, etc.
- Rally the Republicans in the interim to build a focused argument on what budget hawks want.
- Leverage the failure of Obama Care so as to rally public support
- What is the cost of people losing their jobs and having work hours cut back to part time?
- Is a 27 year old more worried about a job or their healthcare?
- Why do corporations, etc get a delay but small business/individuals are forced into a new system that costs more?
- Why does it take longer and longer to approve the critical drugs that will ultimately save the money needed to cut the cost of healthcare?
- In 4 months, refuse to raise the debt limit, demand cuts in spending
- Win the election in November 2014
To win this argument, those concerned about the debt, deficit, and Obama Care need to construct a focused campaign that makes it impossible for the President and big spenders blocking fundamental changes in how much government spends and controls our lives.