Frankly, the White House could care less about about the Obamacare website and the cost to individual buyers. While middle class “I didn’t vote for Obama” self employed families are losing their insurance, 9M “Obama Voters” are going on Medicaid without a glitch. HHS has flawlessly implemented a voting registration system for each new Medicaid subscriber, just in time for the 2014 election, while leaving the individually insured stuck with fear and doubt.
With a broken website, the President rushed to Dallas, seemingly to promote health care. Why Dallas? Because the Democrats hope to turn Texas blue. Given the level of entitlements in the nation, you really only need about 5M-10M more people moved into the entitlement class to win the White House forever. Who needs to fund raise when you have a signature health care bill that gives the President another $200B/year to spread around in a "Get Out the Vote" campaign.
The President would like to have the House change to Democrats in 2014, but its not critical. Its more fun to have the feckless Republicans as a punching bag. As a needless distraction, the Republicans and Democrats regularly attack the powerless Tea Party for somehow immobilizing the nation while ignoring actual damage done by the White House's unwillingness to implement laws they oppose. With the vote sealed up for elections to come, the rest of his agenda can come in time through the myriad of big government liberals that assemble in Washington in future years. Between a Federal Reserve that keeps growth at a stand still and Obamacare, a central line into the entitlement state, why would any of the entitlement class vote the Democrats out of office?
The President’s indifference to the truth or falsehoods of “You can Keep Your Doctor” is of no surprise. The only group he cares about is lining up the voters to vote democrat for ever. Expect nothing more. He is after all a community organizer.